Falling Rose Petals

Below you may find a brief overview of my game catalog. In depth information on developer processes can be found within the links provided to access my developer logs. Additionally, my design documents are released at the end of each game and can be found in the "Looking Glass" posts on my DevLogs as well as in the slideshow relevant to each game. Reproduction and use of these photos and files is prohibited. Thank you xx Tracie

~Realm Riser~

Realm Riser (October 2023) was a rapid sprint 2D turn based fantasy experience built over the course of a few weeks.

Realm Riser:Revisited(February 2024) built upon the foundation of the aforementioned game sprint. Enhanced worldbuilding, game mechanics and art are available to experience; improving on the games original concept.

Game Synopsis

A tattered realm calls for a hero to save them from the blight of monstrous creatures roaming the land. Shall you rise to the occasion and liberate the citizens from ruin?

Play here!

Read through the DevLogs!

Watch the Director's Cut!

~Recollection Redux~

Recollection Redux (August 2023 - Present) is a 3D puzzle marrying art history, surrealism, and science fiction. Phase 1 took place over a series of 3 months, where the core foundations of the game were laid. Phase 2 of the game has begun, with release anticipated for Fall 2024.

Neat camerawork, custom assets, riddles and player ingenuity allow the player to uncover a larger worldbuilding narrative.

Game Synopsis

"Dogma" has sent Reconstruction Instance #20496 on a routine control assignment. What comes after reaching the mission destination is entirely up to you. Will you uncover what has been lost?

Follow game progress here!

Read through the DevLogs!

Watch the Director's Cut!

~Garden of the Apparitions~

Garden of the Apparitions (Fall 2024) is a visual novel centering on an esoteric mystery and the intrique of mysterious literature.

Choice based gameplay and evocative environmental effects are tantamount to this production.

Game Synopsis

The effects of a dilapidated garden become evermore intoxicating the longer you reside within its walls.

Check in on the devlog for more information regarding this project!


I express much gratitude for the opportunity to create games with other brilliant minds! I behoove you to check out their amazing projects!!

The Barbie Girls Rewritten Project (January 2023 - Present) Alongside talented colleagues, I am lead developer on the Barbie Girls Rewritten project. A volunteer archival team that seeks to restore, improve and retain the history of girls games of the bygone era of Ye Internet Olde for current and future generations to enjoy. We hope to launch the first cour of the platform in very the near future. Stay tuned!

Check out our website for more information regarding this project!

Hallway Harmonia : Maze Gallery (Fall 2024)

Cryptic Conservatoryis comprised of astute writers, artists and musicians. Together we present Maze Gallery - an intricate and voluminous compendium of surrealist literature. Lose (or find) yourself within the museum with nonsensical experiences unfolding at every turn.

Hallway Harmonia connects the traveler to and from the Eastern Stairwell and Shipwreck in a Bottle all whilst experiencing a dead hallway that comes to life with player interaction. At it's core I was inspired to bring Art Nouveau to the player's attention. Through subtle insinuations it highlights attributes of artists like Georges Fouquet, Antoni Gaudi, Hector Guimard, Louis Tiffany, Louis Majorelle, Alphonse Mucha, and the Liberty Style. The hallway emphasizes the player garnering a light energy or turning away towards darkness all dependent on choice based play!

Play and learn more here!